About Erin DeLargy
“This is so unique!”
A little bit about me…
Vibrant colors are special to me; I am often struck by the amazing hue of a rose, or the incredible tone of the sky. Complementary and contrasting colors play a big element in my pieces and I choose stones and metals that create dynamic expression and vibrancy.
“I am fascinated by color.”
The process of creating is truly invigorating and exciting for me. When creating a new piece I often take lots of time arranging my metals and stones until the inspiration grabs me. I love making work that catches one’s eye and makes the wearer feel confident. I embellish much of my work with positive words or phrases, so that when turning over a ring or pair of earrings, there is a little hidden message there to uplift.
I’ve been an artist my entire life exploring multiple media. I took up silver-smithing several years ago and have been in love with metals and stones ever since. Though outwardly hard, metal is actually very fluid. It can be cut, hammered, soldered, fused and even melted. I enjoy the look and feel of mixed metals and often incorporate accents of gold, bronze, and copper. I use semi-precious stones, many of which I also cut and polish myself.
I find myself very sensitive to the energy all around me, in the nature, in others and in objects. With this heightened awareness, the work I make takes on special energy. “I’ve never seen anything like this before!” and “This is so unique!” are the phrases most often uttered when people are viewing my work.
I feel very satisfied when hearing this, as my jewelry is an inner expression of my own joy and creativity. I am goofy. I don’t take myself too seriously. I often have mini dance interludes while working.
I hope my work brings you as much joy to wear as I have felt creating it!